Matthew Narron, Psy.D (PSY 21288) Graduated from the University of California at Berkeley in 1997 with an A.B. in Psychology. After a short stint in corporate life, he returned to education at the California School of Professional Psychology, where he obtained his Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Clinical Psychology. Dr. Narron’s pre and post-doctoral work were done at the Ann Martin Center, widely renowned for its training in psychodynamic work and psychodiagnostic assessment with children, adolescents and adults. Dr. Narron’s Dissertation work, UPDATING THE TAT: A PHOTOGRAPHIC REVISION OF THE THEMATIC APPERCEPTION TEST (Jan 2005) is considered a progressive step in psychodiagnostic assessment.
Dr. Narron currently works in private practice near the University of California at Berkeley.
Contact information:
Matthew Narron, Psy.D.
- 3036 Regent Street
- Berkeley, CA 94705
- Voice Mail: 510-219-7726
- Email: Dr. Matthew Narron
- Map